Monday, November 16, 2009

Two and a Half Jerks

So. I was talking to a friend of mine the other night about tv shows, and I said how Mike doesn't like CBS shows and I don't either, really. We watch The Amazing Race and HIMYM, but that's it. My friend asked about Two and a Half Men, which I HATE and am completely flummoxed by. I do not understand why people like it. Anyways, she asked me why I didn't like it, and had I ever SEEN it? I said yes, I had seen it, plenty of times because it's on after Friends or something when I am nursing the baby and sometimes I can't get to the clicker, so I am forced to watch it.

I told her I don't like it because it's Anti-Catholic and she said, totally brushing me off, "oh, well, I'm not religious". (For the record, I also said I didn't think it was funny, Charlie Sheen seems like a gross pig to me and not a Lothario, and Jon Cryer's character seems gay, but isn't, which is weird). I didn't think anything of it at the time but I've been STEAMING about it ever since. I'm not religious?

What if I had said I didn't like it because it was Anti-Semitic? If it was racist? Anti-Homosexual? Anti-Woman? (It kind of is anti-woman, actually). The point is, she NEVER would have said "oh, I'm not a Jew!" if I had said it was anti-semitic. Or "well, I'm WHITE!" if I had said it was racist against Black people. I have said for a long time that Catholics seem to be the only group that it is acceptable to make fun of for profit, and this seems like a really solid example.


  1. I don't like the show because it's anti-funny. I totally agree with your assessment of Charlie Sheen and Jon Cryer--and that damn kid grosses me out, too.

    And actually, it seems acceptable to also rip on Italians for profit (the Sopranos), but I guess that's almost the same thing as Catholic, right?

  2. Oh, I agree completely about Italians, but they are almost always Catholic, so I guess I am including them too. It's insane.

  3. Oh! What an interesting and thought-provoking idea! I think if I'd said what she said, what I would have MEANT was "Oh, I see, I guess that didn't register with me [since I'm not religious]." I'm grateful for you pointing out how it sounds, because now that you've said it it seems super-obvious, and if it were something about skin color and I wanted to make a similar point, I would be WAY MORE CAREFUL how I said it. (Also, at least the way you told it, it sounds like your friend probably didn't mean it the way I would have meant it anyway.)

  4. Joanne- odd that I should come across this blog today. JUST LAST NIGHT my head exploded when one of my friends told me that whether or not Roe v. Wade is overturned (we were having an ill-advised political discussion about Sarah Palin) doesn't concern her, since she'll never be in the position to want/need an abortion.

    As old friends, you know that you and I aren't on the same side of this discussion, but that wasn't really the point for me. I'd rather you vehemently disagreed with my opinion on an issue than just decided "not to bother to care" because something doesn't affect YOU PERSONALLY.

    I mean.. really? I wanted to say things like- So, then, since you never plan on committing a crime, you don't really care about Miranda, then, right? Since you're not very vocal about your feelings (or apparently, don't have many strong opinions if the outcome doesn't affect you), I guess it's okay with you if we lose Freedom of Speech?

    Wha'? My head nearly exploded, and I quickly changed the topic to the weather.

    BTW, FWIW, I am very much enjoying reading these archives!

    Sunwiggie Dawn
