Monday, October 21, 2013

Stupid Blog about SAHMs

So this blogger posted an entry about how his wife was a stay at home mom and she should be REVERED as a GODDESS because she WAS!  I mention it here because I think he is a Christian blogger, but I'm not actually sure.  Some of my friends who have posted that entry have been Christians, so I am just guessing.

I was listening to the Chicks on the Right, two women who I really, REALLY do not like, but I listen to their station on the way to work because that station also has the traffic report and I always want to hear that as I go to work downtown, during rush hour.  Anyway.  I don't like them because they seem like jerks and also because one of them wrote a blog post about how she could use the word retard because her son had Asperger's or something.  So.

Anyway, they are both WORKING MOMS, the Chicks, and one was saying how she couldn't really get behind this one statement that the blogger made, which was something like no one could be in favor of little children spending LESS time with their moms.  The Chick said that she couldn't be a stay at home mom because she would be BAD at it!  She wasn't meant to stay home all day with her kids, she just wasn't!  She would be BAD at at it!

I've heard this sort of claptrap before, and it bothers me a lot.  The stay at home mom debate is tired and old, especially to me, but I am so sick of reading that women work outside the home because they wouldn't be a good stay at home mom.  That's like saying - what is it like saying?  It's like saying something really stupid, I guess.  Because I am not a stay at home mom because I'm good at it.  In fact, I'm bad at it.  I am so impatient with this damned Felicity I swear I want to just put her in daycare EIGHTY hours a week!  All I do is try and clean the house and maintain some semblance of order here and she LITERALLY goes around the house tearing stuff off the walls.  I am not kidding!  She just tore down this ceramic mask that Anthony made off the WALL.  She goes in the toy room and tears the books off the shelves.  She is constantly flipping laundry baskets upside down.  I am not made for this, who the hell is?  You would have to be an idiot and I mean that literally to think that you were made for this.

I am home with my kids not because I am good at it, or because I like cleaning things up just to have them messed up in front of my face.  I am home with my kids because I love them more than anyone else, and I think they should be with people who love them the most for the most hours of the day.  I don't think it matters to any of them that I am better at being a Network Administrator than I am a stay at home mom.  They definitely don't care that I am still paying off my MASTERS DEGREE while I am home with them.  All they care about is that I love them the most and I am the one taking care of them.  That's why I stay home.  Is that clear, everyone else in the world?

The fact that I think this doesn't mean that I think that moms that go to work do it because they DON'T love their kids.  I don't think one thing about moms who go to work, it is none of my business what one other person does.  But I wish that when everyone wrote about why they are NOT stay at home moms, they would go ahead and NOT write about it.  Just you mind your biz, and I'll mind mine, I think, all the time.

People keep asking me if Mike minds if I work so much at night.  As if I'm out HOOKERING or something.  I don't know what to say to that.  We need money, more than we are making right now as attorney and stay at home mom, so I work at night, when I don't have to hire a babysitter, so I can keep all the money I make.  I get my paycheck direct deposited and then moments after it's deposited, almost all of it is taken out to pay the girls' tuition.  I am sometimes so tired at 4:30, I make a cup of tea and I think, phew, at least the day is almost ... and then I stop myself because if it's Monday or Wednesday or Friday or Saturday or Sunday, I am usually going to go to work for six more hours, ugh.  Does Mike mind?  I do not know how to answer that question.